Friday, July 19, 2013

and oh my gad it's gotten Too Darn Hot like my man Cole Porter said...

So basically I haven't updated this blog in over a month. Here's the lowdown of what's happened:

1. I finished P1 with a B average (yay!) and started P2 (gross).
2. I've started saying "tashi" regularly, and it is infecting all of my friends.
3. My debit account was drained, I lost a total of $109 dollars, and now I have a new card and the money refunded to me.
4. I've been eating pretty unhealthily.
5. Yet I've been working out at 8am with Anton.
6. Desiree is down to three guys, and next week THE MEN TELL ALL. WOWSODRAMA.

I've slept in Fribley Commons for the past 2 nights solely because it is air conditioned. I just scooted two armchairs together and made a too-short bed and curled up in the ac and fell asleep. Gross.

Also, I plan on fixing #4 and going to Aldi to get solely fruits and veggies. It's been tough cause I didn't really have any money after the debit card fiasco, so I was eating all of the ramen/soup packets/dried fruit/munchie food that my grandma's been sending me. Not that that stuff is horribly unhealthy in moderation, but when it's what my whole diet consists of, it kinda sucks. And I feel gross. Tashi -__-

And so with that, I'm off to P2 exam #2. Wish me luck, errbody.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Some food-y adventures

homemade channa masala with gluten-free pooris

omelette with turkey bacon, spinach, celery, and cilantro

gross oil from trying to make pooris with flour and oil instead of water
(like dissolves like, duh, Sunny)

spinach, carrots, and soy chicken with corn and pepper soup

yeah yeah yeah obligatory Taco Bell run..

This is where the excitement happens. I was a little bit hungry and craving that syrup I had saved from Cracker Barrel. I also wanted chicken and waffles, but alas, I had no waffles. And I also wanted something pan fried. So I took out my chicken, got my syrup, and found something that I could crush up and use as breadcrumbs. 

I decided to coat the chicken with the syrup and olive oil and bread it with the cheese peanut butter crackers. 

Then sprayed some Pam in a pan, and fried my chicken.

And it tasted so good!! Then I made it again the next day with the leftover 3 crackers and other half of the chicken breast. Yummmm.

FRANSS lessthanthree

I spend so much time at the SigNu house, and I love everyone there. Bachelorette Mondays are hilarious mostly because all of us know what a ridiculous show it is, yet we get so emotionally involved with the contestants and Desiree. Nacho Tuesdays are the bomb dot com because everyone who's friends with the SigNus come, and the house is full of fun people, and it's NACHOS GUISE. And sometimes, I just need to lol around on Julia's bed and Snapchat her from a foot away.

Tonight after the Bachelorette, Anton, Priya, Tommy, and I went to Mitchell's. After we got our ice cream (and I paid in quarters), we went outside to eat it, and we found a bunch of ping pong tables apparently there for Uptown Thursdays. So a game commenced, Sunny and Anton vs. Tommy and Priya. It was so much fun even though 80% of the time was spent chasing after the ping pong ball. I haven't laughed that hard in so long, and it felt great being able to enjoy the perfect temperature of a summer night!

Tommy and Priya with their game faces on vs. Anton

Piggyback ping pong!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My past few days in photos.

Adithi loves Nutella! (June 3)
Julia also loves Nutella! (June 1)
Julia hangs up her board.. crookedly. (June 1)
Baked mah chicken :] (June 2)
Chicken salad w/ greek yogurt, garam masala, & crasins (June 2)

Chipotle veggie burger w/ carrots and celery (June 3)



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First Day of Class!

Yesterday was my first day of class. I woke up at 8:30. ate my breakfast, made my bed, and walked to class. First, it was freezing. I checked my phone. and the temperature was 57 degrees! What happened to the stifling heat of the past week? So I was a bit chilly as I walked to class in my crepe-paper like skirt and tank top. But the second I stepped into Rockefeller, I thankful for my light clothing. The usually air conditioned physics building was mildly warm, getting warmer and more humid as I climbed higher and higher.

I walked into the room where my class was held to find a classroom roughly the size of my high school calculus class, both in number of people and square footage. As the lecture progressed, I was more and more happy that I decided to take physics in the summer. Covault introduced himself, gave us a brief overview of how the course would work, and proceeded to begin teaching us the material. Despite the accelerated nature of the course, I think the more intimate setting and extended class periods will allow me to have a better conceptual understanding of the coursework I'll be doing. And after class, I looked up my professors Covault and Mathur on Rate My Prof and saw that they received a 4.3 and 4.9 respectively. Though taken as a grain of salt, I was pretty encouraged by what I read, especially since many of the reviews were from p1 and p2 students.

I started my homework yesterday and was a little bit jarred by how little I understood the problems. Not so much the concepts, but the way they were worded and what exactly they were asking for. So I did as much as I could, then decided I'd wait till the next class to ask Covault my questions.

Needless to say, I didn't need to ask him any questions since he basically clarified everything in the lecture. It was then that I realised that so much of doing well in a class is adjusting to the professor's teaching style. Covault is extremely conceptual and analytical, something to which luckily I am quickly adjusting. And being able to concentrate in class on what he's teaching rather than figuring out what he's saying is great, especially in a class so dependent on understanding concepts.

Also, I have an interview for a work-study position for the summer and possibly into the school year. Not too many hours are required for the job, it's clerical, and it pays pretty well. It'll be nice to be able to make some money this summer. Wahoo!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kitchen Things

Today I woke up early (8am-- gasp) to go to West Side Market with Tommy, Katie, and Surya. I was planning on buying some produce and meat, but I ended up just getting some fruit. I bought a bunch of macs, some mangos, avocados, and celery. Unfortunately, I got home and my avocados were brown (wahhh), but one of them was good enough to eat, so I got my avo fix (yay). That's what I get for buying the 99c avocados instead of the 2/$3. (Moral of the story: spend the extra dollar for not overripe avocados.) I also haven't had an apple in soooo long, and it was delicious. After WSM, we went to Dave's, and I got normal things like yogurt, chicken, and veggie burgers. I also got some cleaning supplies for the bathroom and kitchen because they were gah-ross. 

Katy was moving in when I got home, and her lovely mother was cleaning the bathroom for us (so nice!), so I started on the fridge. I've posted some photos of the fridge below, and let me tell you, a clean fridge makes all the difference. It's weird having the responsibility to clean up after yourself. Because as annoying as cleaning is, it feels a million times better after it's done to not be rolling in filth (hyperbole, hyperbole). 

Now I just need to get the rest of my boxes from their various places and get the room organized for when Adithi moves in on Monday. Can't wait to see her!

The fridge:
Before (ew gross)

After (yay clean!)

Friday, May 31, 2013

New background!

Well thanks to Photoshop, I made a new background for my blog. If it makes my posts hard to read, let me know!