Monday, June 17, 2013

FRANSS lessthanthree

I spend so much time at the SigNu house, and I love everyone there. Bachelorette Mondays are hilarious mostly because all of us know what a ridiculous show it is, yet we get so emotionally involved with the contestants and Desiree. Nacho Tuesdays are the bomb dot com because everyone who's friends with the SigNus come, and the house is full of fun people, and it's NACHOS GUISE. And sometimes, I just need to lol around on Julia's bed and Snapchat her from a foot away.

Tonight after the Bachelorette, Anton, Priya, Tommy, and I went to Mitchell's. After we got our ice cream (and I paid in quarters), we went outside to eat it, and we found a bunch of ping pong tables apparently there for Uptown Thursdays. So a game commenced, Sunny and Anton vs. Tommy and Priya. It was so much fun even though 80% of the time was spent chasing after the ping pong ball. I haven't laughed that hard in so long, and it felt great being able to enjoy the perfect temperature of a summer night!

Tommy and Priya with their game faces on vs. Anton

Piggyback ping pong!

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