Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kitchen Things

Today I woke up early (8am-- gasp) to go to West Side Market with Tommy, Katie, and Surya. I was planning on buying some produce and meat, but I ended up just getting some fruit. I bought a bunch of macs, some mangos, avocados, and celery. Unfortunately, I got home and my avocados were brown (wahhh), but one of them was good enough to eat, so I got my avo fix (yay). That's what I get for buying the 99c avocados instead of the 2/$3. (Moral of the story: spend the extra dollar for not overripe avocados.) I also haven't had an apple in soooo long, and it was delicious. After WSM, we went to Dave's, and I got normal things like yogurt, chicken, and veggie burgers. I also got some cleaning supplies for the bathroom and kitchen because they were gah-ross. 

Katy was moving in when I got home, and her lovely mother was cleaning the bathroom for us (so nice!), so I started on the fridge. I've posted some photos of the fridge below, and let me tell you, a clean fridge makes all the difference. It's weird having the responsibility to clean up after yourself. Because as annoying as cleaning is, it feels a million times better after it's done to not be rolling in filth (hyperbole, hyperbole). 

Now I just need to get the rest of my boxes from their various places and get the room organized for when Adithi moves in on Monday. Can't wait to see her!

The fridge:
Before (ew gross)

After (yay clean!)

1 comment:

  1. You start to enjoy cleaning only because afterwards you can say "awesome now I can leave this alone until it's gross again." When do classes start?
